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1. Reactants

A variety of reactant papers that protect you against chemical alterations (against 200 products).

2. Visble
Invisible fluorescent fibres

Visible to the naked eye. / Visible only under ultra-violet light.

3. Personalized shade

Your logo is shaded in background.

4. Micro-impression

Micro characters visible when enlarged. Become invisible when photocopied.

Absorbs ink (Tonerfuse)

This paper absorbs laser printer ink making it impossible to lift. Watermark visible under ambiant light.

6. Warning band

Warns that the cheque has security characteristics that are verifiable in order to prevent fraud.
Imprimerie Montréal Québec 09
Imprimerie Montréal Québec 09
Imprimerie Montréal Québec 10
Imprimerie Montréal Québec 11
Imprimerie Montréal Québec 12
Imprimerie Montréal Québec 12
1 877 442-1414
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